LoadRunner Online Training Introduction
The Loadrunner training program has been comprehensively designed as per the latest industry standards and trends by our leading industry-certified experts having substantial experience in the Load Runner domain. HP Loadrunner is an automated performance testing tool that determines application scalability, behavior, and performance. It emulates thousands of virtual users and identifies performance bottlenecks across and within each tier. This course will make you efficient in Loadrunner and solve all the real-time issues that may arise in the organization. Our HP Loadrunner certification is in line with market requirements and industry standards which will help you land high-paying Loadrunner jobs.
What is LoadRunner?

Loadrunner is one of the most popular automation testing tools. It can monitor the application's performance. It can simulate thousands of concurrent users to produce real-time load transactions and analyze results. This HP LoadRunner online training will help you master all the concepts of load testing and all the techniques to enhance the performance of the application.
Live instructor-led online classes are designed to give you the best learning environment. This course is packed with examples, and real-time scenarios based projects for practice. The Loadrunner tutorials cover all the aspects from beginners to advance level. By the end of this course, you will become proficient in Loadrunner tools which will make you a pro in the industry.
Load Runner Course Key Features
- One to One sessions
- Schedule your timing according to your convenience
- Installation and configuration of Loadrunner
- Understanding Loadrunner architecture
- Provide you with important Loadrunner interview questions
- Guidance in building Loadrunner resume
- Get Loadrunner certification
Who should take LoadRunner Certification course?
The load runner course primarily benefits manual testers and developers who want to shift to the LoadRunner domain. Individuals who want to pursue a career in the testing domain and with Loadrunner can also opt for it. Additionally, professionals who want to get certified in Load runner testing.
- Overview of LoadRunner architecture
- Where and how to install LoadRunner components?
- Identify hardware and software needed for installation
- Installing Loadrunner samples.
- Define Vuser
- Reasons of using VUGEN
- Explore Features of VUGEN
- What are VUSER TYPES?
- Know about Settings to be done before recording
- What are the various modes of recording?
- Choosing the right protocol
- Types of protocol LoadRunner supports
- Understanding Single and Multiple protocols
- Ways of using more than one Action
- How to perform Deleting Action?
- Starting VUGEN
- Understanding VUGEN Environment Options
- Choosing the right protocol
- VUSER Script sections (Init, Action, and end)
- Creating New Virtual VUSER script
- Methods of Adding and removing protocols
- Choosing New Virtual user category
- Begin Recording on your application
- Ending and Saving a recording session
- Running the Created Script
- Explain Replay Log
- Explaining Recording Log
- What is Generation Log?
- Understanding Correlation Results
- Viewing and modifying VUSER scripts
- Understanding the functions generated in the code
- Getting Help on functions
- Understanding Workflow Wizard
- What are Walkthrough on few Loadrunner functions
- What are Recap of Steps for creating Vuser Scripts?
- Ways of using more than one Action
- Briefing of Deleting Actions.
- What are Rename actions?
- Import Action into Vuser
- Definition of parameter
- Why parameterization is required
- What are Parameters Limitations?
- Creating Parameters
- Understanding types of parameters
- Using Existing Parameters
- Using Parameter List
- Parameterization options
- How to create data files?
- Properties of file type parameters
- properties of table type parameters
- Introduction to setting parameter properties
- Setting properties for internal data parameter types
- Setting properties for user-defined functions
- Choosing parameter formats
- How to use Sequential Methods?
- How to use Random Methods?
- How to use Unique Methods?
- Using Each Occurrence
- Using Each Iteration
- Using Once
- About Run time settings
- Configuring run time settings
- Pacing run time settings
- Configuring Log run time settings
- Configuring Think time settings
- Introduction to correlations
- Auto Correlation
- Wdiff Utility
- Manual Correlation
- What are transactions?
- Why we need transactions?
- How to insert transactions in the script?
- Why we need Content checks?
- How to use the inbuilt content checks?
- How to build your own content checks?
- Opening controller
- Why we need a controller?
- Significance of controller
- Features on controller
- Planning the test
- Creating Vuser Script
- Creating the scenario
- Running the scenario
- Monitoring the scenario
- Analyzing the scenario
- Creating a scenario
- Run scenario with sample Vuser load
- Manual Scenario
- Goal-Oriented scenario
- What is the load generator?
- Why we need load generators?
- Schedule by scenario
- Schedule by group
- About Scheduling scenarios
- Delaying the start of scenarios
- Scheduling a scenario
- Scheduling Vuser groups
- Adding Vuser to Scheduled scenarios
- Creating Vuser groups
- Configuring Vusers in the Vuser group.
- Configuring Vuser run time settings
- Configuring scripts
- Setting time out intervals
- Configuring Scenario run time settings
- Setting the run time file location
- Specifying results location
- Collating results
- Running the entire scenario
- Controlling Vuser groups
- Controlling individual Vusers
- Manually adding Vuser to a running scenario
- Manually adding Vuser to Rendezvous
- About viewing vusers during executions
- Monitoring Vuser status
- Viewing the output window
- Viewing Vuser script log
- Logging execution notes
- About Planning goal-oriented scenario
- Understanding goal-oriented scenario design tab
- Defining scenario goals
- Assigning properties to scripts
- Configuring scripts
- About Online Monitoring
- Setting up the Monitoring environment
- Monitor types
- Choosing Monitors and measurements in the controller
- Starting the monitors in the controller
- Opening online monitor graphs in the controller
- Setting monitor options
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LoadRunner Training FAQ’s:
LoadRunner is a performing testing tool. It measures various aspects of the performance of web applications which include stress, load, scalability, and behavior. It supports a variety of technologies and protocols compared to any other testing tool.
We provide you with certification upon completing the course successfully and clearing an online exam. Our certification has to stand in the testing domain and it will help you gain trust and credibility.
The latest LoadRunner version being used is LoadRunner 12.60 and for the cloud is LoadRunner cloud 2020.
Individuals will get the e-learning materials and Loadrunner video tutorials.
Yes, we provide job assistance and also prepare you for the interview. Our courses are job-oriented.
Yes, you can attend our demo class and decide if you want to continue we respect your decision.
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Live Instructor-led classes
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Expert & Certified Trainers
We have one of the best faculty, with our trainers having substantial real-time industry experience. And are proactive in providing you the best information.

Flexible Schedule
Schedule your timings according to your convenience. No need to delay your daily work schedule.

Real-time Scenarios
Our learners are provided with real-time industry scenarios and also Industry-specific scenarios for practice and mock tests.

e-Learning Sessions
We provide our learners with online training videos and also have live training and practical sessions.

24/7 Support
We provide round-the-clock assistance and we are yearning to solve your queries with help of our expert trainers.
Why FolksIT
Extreme high-quality interactive training
Cutting-edge curriculum with job-ready training methodologies aligned with industry requirements.
Situational help and work assistance
Top-notch experts bring in the best practices and assignments, with live availability.
Learn & Practice on real-world problems.
Practice on real-world scenarios and data sets with hands-on experience.
A classroom like learning experience
Ultimate learning experience. Engaging, interactive, and communicative.