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Java Hibernate Training & Certification

FolksIT is providing different types of Java courses and Java Hibernate Online Training is one of them. Hibernate is a library that consists of different types of methods. You can use these methods in your code to create Java applications easily. The Hibernate course online will make you a proficient programmer and you can get the jobs of Java programmer or developer at a senior level. Existence of this course in your resume will highlight your skills and employers may employ you easily.

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Learn Java Hibernate Online

Java Hibernate Online Training

Hibernate training online will help you to learn the development of Java applications with the help of Java Hibernate library. The Hibernate course online has been developed for fresh graduates as well as experienced people who have basic knowledge of Java

Java Spring Hibernate course is also included in the main course so you will also get the knowledge about Spring technology. Hibernate online tests will also be conducted so that you can practice and give the real exam. These tests are actually mock tests which is a facility provided for this and other courses.

Key features of Java Hibernate Course

  • Learn the course with Java Hibernate example
  • Compare spring data vs Hibernate
  • Learn spring data with Hibernate example
  • Availability of Hibernate online practice tests
  • Understand the concept of Java Hibernate framework
  • Understand the concept of Java list
  • Compare Java Hibernate vs JPA
  • Get Java interview questions and Hibernate for practicing interview
  • Get Hibernate online tutorial for self-reference

Who should take Java Hibernate Certification?

The Java Hibernate training can be taken up by Java developers, Java architects, and Java programmers who have experience in making applications through the Java language. Freshers can also take up the course. If they have knowledge of programming then it will be an added skill and such people can learn Hibernate easily.

Hibernate Training Important Facts

  • Hibernate is used to map the objects to a database.
  • The one who have basic knowledge on Spring can learn it easily.
  • Hibernate has the ability to implement Java Persistence API.
  • Hibernate is an open-source framework so no license is needed for purchasing.
  • Tables can be created automatically.
Course curriculum
    • Object/Relational Paradigms
    • O/R Mismatch
    • Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
    • Java ORM (Object Relational Mapping)/Persistent Frameworks
    • Hibernate Architecture and API
    • Hibernate Installation/Setup
    • Configuration of Hibernate Architecture
    • Understand Configuration Properties
    • What are Mapping Files?
    • What are POJOs (Plain Old Java Objects)?
    • What are JavaBeans?
    • Basic Mapping Concept
    • Class to Table Mappings
    • Property Mapping Concept
    • Working with Identifiers
    • Working with Generators
    • Concept of Natural Keys
    • What is Identifier Exposure?
    • Quoting SQL Columns and Tables
    • What is Entity Lifecycle?
    • What is Transient State?
    • Understand Persistent State
    • Automatic Dirty Checking and Persistent Object Updates
    • What is Dethatched State?
    • What is Deleted State?
    • Object Identifiers Revisited
    • How to Merge Objects?
    • What is Domain Model?
    • Entities and Values
    • Concept of Components
    • Many-to-one collection
    • Bidirectional Many-to-one collection
    • Other Collections
    • One-to-one Collection
    • Bidirectional One-to-one
    • Many-to-many Collections
    • Bidirectional Many-to-many Collections
    • Collections of Value Types
    • Collections of Components
    • Method of Sorting Collections
    • Inheritance Mapping Strategies
    • Table for each concrete class
    • Table per subclass
    • Table per hierarchy
    • Inheritance Mapping Pros/Cons
    • Concept of Polymorphism
    • Table per concrete class with unions
    • How to Choose an Inheritance Strategy?
    • What is Lazy Loading?
    • Concept of Proxies
    • Eager Loading
    • What’s a Proxy?
    • Detached Objects and Proxies
    • Polymorphic Associations Revisited
    • Custom Mapping Types Mapping
    • Understand User Type Mapping
    • Understand Enumerations
    • Hibernate Object Fetching Options
    • Hibernate Query
    • HQL Parameters
    • Named Queries
    • Native SQL
    • What are Restrictions in Java Hibernate?
    • Query By Example
    • Concept of Scrolling
    • What are Query Hints?
    • Query Option Pros/Cons
    • The Java Transaction
    • Hibernate Transaction Configuration
    • Hibernate Transaction API
    • Concept of Concurrency
    • What are Isolation Levels?
    • What is Optimistic Locking
    • Understand the concept of Versioning
    • What is Pessimistic Locking?
    • Concept of N+1 Selects
    • Join Fetching
    • Subselect Fetching
    • Batch Fetching
    • Queries and Fetching Strategies
    • Cartesian product Problem
    • Hibernate Caching Architecture
    • First Level Cache
    • Second Level Cache
    • Cache Concurrency
    • Configuring Second Level Cache
    • What is Metadata?
    • Annotations Pros/Cons
    • Configuring Hibernate Annotations
    • EJB3/JPA Annotations
    • Hibernate Annotations
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Java Hibernate Online Training FAQ’s:
1.What is Java Hibernate?

Java Hibernate is a tool which helps the developers to connect a Java application to a database. It is an object relational mapping tool which uses Java Persistence API to connect an application to a relational database.

2.What are the prerequisites of spring data with Hibernate course?

The prerequisites of spring data with Hibernate are that the aspirants should have basic knowledge of Java programming and a relational database.

3.Will demo classes be provided for the Hibernate course?

Yes! Demo classes will be provided and after that, you can take a decision on pursuing the course.

4.What types of jobs will I get after pursuing the course?

You will get the job of Java Developer who also has the knowledge of connecting an application to a database through Hibernate.

5.Will the organization provide a certificate?

Yes! The organization will provide a Java Hibernate certification for the course.

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